Ten Points To Successful Promotion 1. Start your promotion network long before you need it. By the time your book hits the shelves or online marketplace, you’ll have your network calling YOU for signings, interviews, virtual tours, etc.. Concentrate on chain and independent bookstores that carry the type of book you’ve written. For example, if you write romance novels, as much as you may hate it, Boat & Tackle Books, Inc. isn’t interested in your novel—not even if you’re the CEO’s daughter! Set aside a certain percent of your advance (or income if you’re self-published or not yet published) so you’ll be able to finance your promotion machine to include such expenses as: bookmarks, promo items, transportation, etc.. Ten percent is more than enough. Get your Advance Reading Copies, galleys, unbound manuscripts and e-books to the reviewers early so your review can be … [Read more...]